Avoid accidents, save time, reduce costs

A benefit for everyone

  • Management

    A safe employee is a productive and motivated employee. Operating costs are reduced while turnover increases.

  • Human Resources

    Less absenteeism due to injuries and higher employee satisfaction. A safe company is an attractive company.

  • Safety Managers

    Save time on PPE documentation. Ensure that your PPE is organised and that your employees are working with the right protection


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Avoid accidents

Access to the right PPE and proper training enable workers to work more carefully and safely and reduce the number of accidents at work.

Save time

You no longer need to worry about documenting PPE. We take this work off your hands and provide you with a binder containing all the relevant information.

Reduce costs

Optimise your PPE assortment so that you only buy what you need and avoid waste and unnecessary PPE. We help you find the right supplier so that you can reduce your logistics and storage costs. Reduced accident rates mean lower operating costs.